What are World Games?
The World Games feature more than a week of intense, yet inspiring, competition among thousands of athletes.
The National Team Program (NTP) was developed by Special Olympics Canada to better equip our athletes, coaches and mission staff attending World Games. Utilizing a fair and transparent process to identify and select members for Special Olympics Team Canada (SOTC), the NTP is designed to provide these athletes, coaches and mission staff with a formalized approach to training and preparation for World Games. The program ensures that Special Olympics athletes in Canada have access to quality training, coaching and competitive opportunities to ensure optimal performance and a positive experience as a member of the National Team.

World Games Eligibility
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For an athlete to be eligible for world games they must meet the following criteria:
Be fifteen (15) years of age as of January 1 of that games year;
Is registered with Special Olympics Alberta and a member in good standing within the community;
Is a member of an accredited Special Olympics Alberta Affiliate or Community Program;
Have appropriate maturation based upon the following:
Ability to cope with pressures involved in traveling and competition
Ability to cope with being out of usual environment
Have participated in a qualifying National event with Team Alberta the year prior
Athlete Single Sport Competition
Majority of Special Olympics Albert athletes are multisport athletes.
Provincial, National, and International competitions are single sport competitions, which means that athletes can only be selected for one sport at those levels. Athletes have the authority to choose which sport they wish to compete in starting at the local and provincial level.